Donate to Mother Earth

Besides surprising someone with a unique and personalised Mother’s Day gift or Father’s Day gift, we invite you to also give to Mother Earth this year too.

Over the last two years, together with you, we donated to Mother Earth and jointly planted 1058 trees in total! In 2021, this was in cooperation with Staatsbosbeheer and in 2022, we collaborated with Trees for All. This year we hope to make another great contribution together! Will you join us? In your cart we invite you to donate.

MrStarsky x AQUA GOLD

How does it work?

To celebrate Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, Mother Earth receives trees as a gift from us! We match your donation, so 1 euro from you is 2 euros for Mother Earth. A greener planet is a team effort!

Trees for All: We plant trees for life

Trees are essential to all life on earth. They give us oxygen, clean air, food, protection, coolness and water. Forests are important for biodiversity and provide a habitat for countless plants and animals. Forests also play a major role in tackling climate change. So it is important that we protect and restore our existing forests and plant new ones. You, too, can make a difference. Help create more forests in the world!

Planting a tree with Trees for all costs 5 euros. 50% of the donation will be used to plant trees in the Netherlands, 50% will be used for trees somewhere else on our planet. In 2022 our trees were planted in Madagascar and Bolivia (and the Netherlands). This year the trees will be planted in Borneo.

Trees for All