Birth announcements
We have been receiving more and more requests, which makes us extra proud to announce that besides starry skies, we will also start making birth announcements! These birth announcements will be personalised based on the place of birth, date and time and will have a miniature starry sky on it’s cover!

The birth announcements will arive in brown “kraft” envelopes, but we will also give you a framed 40×50 starry sky poster, matching with the one on the birth announcement, worth €75! An amazing gift for the nursery! ;-)
After the birth of your child you can order your starry sky on our website with your own personal code!

You can choose from a variety of designs. You can choose what type of starry sky but also whether you want a double card or postcard style. The text and birth announcement information can be personalised completely to your wishes.
Interested in letting MrStarsky create your birth announcements?
Send an email to: [email protected]